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Ambuja Cement maintains its competitive edge through various bespoke initiatives that nurture employees to become the leaders of tomorrow
For Ambuja Cement, people are the most important resource and critical for the company to innovate, grow and lead. The company maintains its competitive edge through various bespoke initiatives aimed at nurturing and empowering the leaders of tomorrow.
Leadership skills are fostered through structured talent reviews supported by individual development plans, and cross-functional and cross-location assignments. Strong focus on succession planning has helped create a talent pipeline and avenues of growth for future leaders.
Ambuja Cement launched the Sustainable Talent for Enhanced Performance (STEP) Programme in 2012 to develop future leaders. STEP aims to develop a sustainable pool of leaders with essential leadership skills and the capacity to act as internal coaches.
So far, 156 managers have successfully completed STEP Programmes since its launch. The top 35 participants from STEP-I have taken over the role of people coaches in the company.